Yuxin’s Directors and its Management are dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of the people working with the company. This includes our contractors, business partners, consultants and other stakeholders which our operation impacts.

Our management system is developed in accordance with AS 4801 and plays an important part in the identification of hazards, collecting information, development of controls and communication of these to all personnel.

Yuxin values consultation in Health and Safety matters through the safety representatives that have been selected by their teams and form an integral part of the program and instrumental in its success. Safety programs include training for all employees, special training for exploration and emergency response teams, recognition programs for safety achievement and many initiatives that keeps our workforce focused on continuous safety improvement.

Inevitably it is all the people working at Yuxin that are making the difference in safety.

Pajingo worker inspecting sample

Safety and well-being are at the forefront of everything we do.